Install Vagrant in your operating system
#Build vulnerable VMs#Vagrant Setup
- Vagrant is a tool for building and managing virtual machine environments in a single workflow.
- more info click here
- Head up to this link and download vagrant for your operating system
- After installing you can access it via terminal
- check if it’s downloaded properly
vagrant -v
## Setup
- You can install whatever you want
- Go to this link and choose your box
- Also you can select the provider, so vagrant will run it in that provider
- Here I’m going to select Virtual box, because I have installed that in my system
- Let’s download this Box
vagrant box add ubuntu/focal64
- Run this command on your terminal to install this box.
- Wait few minutes for the download.
- I’m using Windows as my base machine, Commands are pretty simlar, so don’t worry :)
- Now run these two commands to setup that box
- Before running this commands create two directories
mkidr box data
- Now go to box directory
vagrant init ubuntu/focal64
- And run this command
- This command generates a Vagrantfile
- Which you can use to configure the vm size,networks,synced folders and more…
folder has shared files between your Vm and your base machine- You can put your custom binaries,, required files to setup the vulnerable site and more in
folderconfig.vm.synced_folder "../data", "/vagrant_data"
- Uncomment the above line in Vagrantfile to share those files to your VM
- Also I’m setting a public network to access my VM in local "public_network"
- Uncomment this line to do that :)
- Now time to start this VM
- You can run
vagrant up
to start your VM - Now you can simply ssh into this machine using
vagrant ssh
- Great that’s all, Now you can use this :D
- Here you can see, vargrant uses Virtualbox to host this.
- You can also login into this VM with default credentials
- user:
- root:
- You can shutdown your VM using
vagrant halt
- If you want to force shutdown, then use
vagrant destroy
- Let’s setup our vm with a build script in next article :)
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